
Core settings


No default, you must provide this setting.

The model to represent an Order. See Customization - Payment API.


You cannot change the GETPAID_ORDER_MODEL setting during the lifetime of a project (i.e. once you have made and migrated models that depend on it) without serious effort. It is intended to be set at the project start, and the model it refers to must be available in the first migration of the app that it lives in.


Default: 'getpaid.Payment'

The model to represent a Payment. See Customization - Payment API.


You cannot change the GETPAID_PAYMENT_MODEL setting during the lifetime of a project (i.e. once you have made and migrated models that depend on it) without serious effort. It is intended to be set at the project start, and the model it refers to must be available in the first migration of the app that it lives in.

Backend settings

To provide configuration for payment backends, place them inside GETPAID_BACKEND_SETTINGS dictionary. Use plugin’s dotted path - just as you put it in INSTALLED_APPS - as a key for the config dict. See this example:

    "getpaid.backends.dummy": {
        "confirmation_method": "push",
        "gateway": reverse_lazy("paywall:gateway"),
    "getpaid_paynow": {
        "api_key": "9bcdead5-b194-4eb5-a1d5-c1654572e624",
        "signature_key": "54d22fdb-2a8b-4711-a2e9-0e69a2a91189",

Each backend defines its own settings this way. Please check the backend’s documentation.

Optional settings

A place for optional settings is GETPAID dictionary, empty by default. It can contain these keys:


Default: None

This setting is used by processor’s default get_template_names() method to override backend’s template_name. The template is used to render that backend’s POST form. This setting can be used to provide a global default for such cases if you use more plugins requiring such template. You can also use POST_TEMPLATE key in backend’s config to override the template just for one backend.


Default: None

This setting is used by backends that use POST flow. This setting can be used to provide a global default for such cases if you use more plugins requiring such template. You can also use POST_FORM_CLASS key in backend’s config to override the template just for one backend. Use full dotted path name.


Default: "getpaid:payment-success"

Allows setting custom view name for successful returns from paywall. Again, this can also be set on a per-backend basis.

If the view requires kwargs to be resolved, you need to override


Default: "getpaid:payment-failure"

Allows setting custom view name for fail returns from paywall. Again, this can also be set on a per-backend basis.


Default: False

Allows you to hide plugin selection if only one plugin would be presented. The hidden plugin will be chosen as default.